Recent Posts

  • Iterative Refactoring
  • The process of improving code quality cyclically
  • Sept. 4, 2016, 5:18 p.m.
  • When working with legacy code one is often presented with functions or even classes with little to no organization. Occasionally functions can even be 2,000 or more lines long! When presented with this situation it can seem like there is little hope of ever achieving proper code quality. Whi...

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  • Submitting a Python Module to PYPI
  • The process of getting a Python module ready for install via pip
  • Feb. 15, 2015, 6:21 p.m.
  • I recently created a small Python module called Backgroundr. Backgroundr allows for the simple creation of wallpaper images for your computer with custom colors and text. My plan, with Backgroundr, is to turn it into a w...

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  • Using Java's Reflection API to Invoke Private Methods
  • How to properly Unit Test your code without changing the design
  • Feb. 9, 2015, 3:10 p.m.
  • In order to properly create software we need to write Unit Tests. Most of the time this is pretty straight forward, however, occasionally our software contains private methods that need to be tested. You may try to get around this by just testing the public methods that call these private me...

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  • Finding the Simplest Possible Solution
  • Never stop thinking to write the cleanest possible code
  • Nov. 26, 2014, 6 a.m.
  • When tasked with creating a new feature we normally instantly start thinking of possible ways to implement it. Generally, we can quickly come up with some sort of an idea that we believe will suffice, and begin to implement our feature. We get right to work and our ideas start coming to life...

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  • Dynamically bindable click events
  • Using JQuery to bind events to elements that do not exist on page load
  • Nov. 9, 2014, 12:39 p.m.
  • When building a dynamically AJAX driven web app it is occasionally necessary to bind an event, such as a click, to an element that does not exist in the DOM on page load. Imagine that an AJAX call is made for a newly added object and a button is added to the HTML:
