Recent Posts

  • Making a Decision
  • Getting started is always the right choice
  • March 19, 2019, 9:31 p.m.
  • It's a story as old as time (or at least computers): a programmer has an idea for a hobby project, perhaps something that he thinks will make him a little extra money on the side. The idea flows from his mind straight to his notepad and he is feeling on top of the world with a brand new projec...

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  • JSON File Reading and Writing
  • Short term storage with JSON and Java
  • March 12, 2019, 9:38 p.m.
  • It is sometimes necessary to implement a short term storage solution to move data to and from memory in a piece of software. There are certainly libraries available like Redis that allow for similar, albeit more cumbersome, functionality by utilizing the memory o...

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  • Adventures in Merge Sorting with Parallelism
  • Some parallel algorithms aren't actually faster
  • Feb. 19, 2019, 9:14 p.m.
  • I was recently tasked with implementing a parallel version of a common sorting algorithm, specifically MergeSort. When I first started thinking about how to tackle this problem I thought it would be a simple task. Naively, I assumed that I...

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  • Fixing the Actual Problem
  • To provide real value don't just use bandages
  • Feb. 12, 2019, 9 p.m.
  • As Software Engineers, we are often tasked with implementing specific requirements that have been gathered from our customers. During this "requirements gathering" stage the customer may request certain "fixes" to troublesome workflows she encounters when using our software on a daily basis. F...

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