JSON File Reading and Writing
- Short term storage with JSON and Java
- March 12, 2019, 9:38 p.m.
It is sometimes necessary to implement a short term storage solution to move data to and from memory in a piece of software. There are certainly libraries available like Redis that allow for similar, albeit more cumbersome, functionality by utilizing the memory o...
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Adventures in Merge Sorting with Parallelism
- Some parallel algorithms aren't actually faster
- Feb. 19, 2019, 9:14 p.m.
I was recently tasked with implementing a parallel version of a common sorting algorithm, specifically MergeSort. When I first started thinking about how to tackle this problem I thought it would be a simple task. Naively, I assumed that I...
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Using Java's Reflection API to Invoke Private Methods
- How to properly Unit Test your code without changing the design
- Feb. 9, 2015, 3:10 p.m.
In order to properly create software we need to write Unit Tests. Most of the time this is pretty straight forward, however, occasionally our software contains private methods that need to be tested. You may try to get around this by just testing the public methods that call these private me...
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Finding the Simplest Possible Solution
- Never stop thinking to write the cleanest possible code
- Nov. 26, 2014, 6 a.m.
When tasked with creating a new feature we normally instantly start thinking of possible ways to implement it. Generally, we can quickly come up with some sort of an idea that we believe will suffice, and begin to implement our feature. We get right to work and our ideas start coming to life...
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Sorting Algorithms
- Some basic sorting algorithms implemented in Java and timed
- May 18, 2014, 12:56 p.m.
I wanted some more Java practice before I start my new job as a Software Engineer working with Java, so I decided to implement some basic sorting algorithms and time them. For each algorithm I chose to start by coping the ArrayList into a new one as to preserve the original input. I started ...
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Stephen Goeddel

Software Engineer from Charleston, SC
For more information about me or my projects, check out my portfolio.
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